Blog Posts

George Mason University

Ella & Ingrid - Highlight Edition

Ella is a really sweet and motivated student in our Spring 2023 GMU program at Daniels Run. Here is a photo of her with tutor Ingrid during Session 3. Ella's book, called "Lillie to the Rescue," tells a lot of adventures about a unishorkie named Lilly and her best friend, a pomeranian/cheetah named Marcus. 

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GMU - Week Three 3/10/23

Week three really special because our students continued to develop their stories, and they even got to meet Elea (Founder of KCW) as she was in the area this week! It was such an important session, as our students also began to include their drawings in their stories, and some are even almost done!

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GMU - Week Two 2/24/23

During week two, our students developed their story plots and began writing. It was a really exciting experience, as this was the the first time our George Mason tutors were helping students start their stories in the Kids Can Write program! Below is a photo of tutor Gazal (to the left) and student Noelle (to the right). 

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GMU - Week One 2/17/23

Here is a photo of our tutor team before entering Daniels Run Elementary School for our first session on 2/17/23! Today, our students explored different character ideas and created their character summaries. They also went through their plot ideas and created timeline maps. Our tutors can't wait for week two!

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