Today, we'll be featuring student Gretchen and tutor Elea! Gretchen is a student at Gilbert Linkous Elementary School, and she participated in KCW's online tutoring program during Fall of 2022. Over the course of the program, Elea helped Gretchen develop her story and publish her first book in a fascinating series Gretchen plans to continue in Spring 2023!
Let's see what Gretchen thinks of the program:
What is your favorite part of writing a book?
I like how it takes my focus off of bad things, also the excitement of looking forward to getting my first book published.
What do you think about Kids Can Write so far?
I really enjoy it because it makes me think about all the good stuff that goes on in my life. It also makes me wonder how many books I'm going to choose to publish. Plus, the teacher's really nice and encouraging because she really likes my ideas.
What is your Kids Can Write book?
It's Cursed as a Princess, book one in the Cursed Series. In this magical adventure, Prism, main character and alicorn, and her buddies gang up against evil. Follow Prism and friends to magical places and discover ancient secrets.
Let's see what Elea thinks:
Gretchen is such a wonderful person, and tutoring her has been such a thrill and complete pleasure! We had our usual sessions in the fall and worked on publishing early in January. I am so proud to say that Gretchen has published her book on Amazon! I have had such an honor to work with a student so dedicated to her imagination. Every chapter is so detailed with really informative setting descriptions and a lot of adventure taking place. Gretchen writes so eloquently and with such advanced vocabulary, that sometimes I found myself asking what a word or two meant, haha! She's a sweetheart that I'm sure will go on to do great things, and I can't wait to work with her on book two!
Written by Elea Abisamra
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