Week Two was all about learning important things to keep in mind while writing and helping our students reach 16 pages in their books! Before our third week session, they're going to learn more about the self-publishing process as they went home with a "How To" pamphlet that teaches how to use Kindle Direct Publishing online.

Student Jacob working with Tutor Kala on his book

Student Elly working with Tutor Kavya on her book

Elly drew a really cool picture on a piece of paper, and Kavya helped her upload it into her book document!
This week we taught our students five components to keep in mind while writing:
- Including a beginning, middle and end (resolution or cliffhanger!)
- They will use the timeline map they created last session for this
- Adding story details (where, when, how, why)
- They will use the character summary they made last session for this
- Adding dialogue
- Choosing a point of view
- Are you the narrator talking about yourself or another character?
- Using good verbs and adjectives
We look forward to the next four sessions with excitement and aspiration.
Written by Elea Abisamra
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Had so much fun today!
Elly was so great today and we had so much fun writing!
Had a great time! Our future is in good hands